Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 28

Sounds like the Halloween party was a success! I'll be glad to return in two years and usurp the title of doughnut race king back from Allen. I'm thinking about putting on some sunglasses on Halloween and being an FBI Agent. #justkidding
1) I have heard that some kids do trick or treat in Shiprock! I doubt we'll get any visitors at our trailer because it is kind of awkwardly placed, but we'll see. We'll probably be moving back to Shiprock on Wednesday or later this week! The trailer is finally finished and the Housing Coordinators will be inspecting it tomorrow for approval. I heard that a lot of the kids go to the hospital housing complex, it's a little housing development for all of the Indian Health Services employees, so a lot of the doctors and nurses live there and I guess they give out better candy than other places. I would guess that there are only a few of the housing developments that have trick or treating going on because some of them would probably not be super safe to be in late at night or the kids might not have tons of success in terms of pounds of candy collected. We have to be home by 8 o'clock at the latest on Halloween. On Wednesday the ward is having a trunk or treat though, so I'm excited about that! I might even try to decorate one of the missionary trucks if I am feeling even mildly creative, but I'll probably get lazy and not do it.
2) The appointment fell through on Wednesday. We had another appointment Sunday after church but that fell through also. However, the mom and son came to church which is awesome! It is pretty hard to get people to go to church, so I was so happy when they showed up! However, I think it was overwhelming to them with how long it is, but I hope they can stick it out and come a few more times so they can see the joy and benefits of church!
3) Thanks! I'll email and ask my mission president today and ask him if I can get special permission to go to to look at scriptures. Usually we can only access, and the missionary email.
4) We didn't get to Costa Vida on Monday, but we went into town on Friday to get the tires replaces on our truck before winter so we went to Costa Vida and there were like a million members there that offered to buy our meal. It was so nice. It's weird to leave the rez and go to the city where there are tons of members all over the place and it just feels like being back in Mormonville.
... It is so true that nothing feels better than successfully sharing the gospel. I hope everything goes better with Natalie too and that she can get back to 100% soon! I remember the day that I had the nausea from the pain medication coming back from Jackie and Trevor's during Spring Break 2012. That was the absolute worst.
The PTA meeting sounds really interesting! I miss learning and reading about policy and politics. What ever happened with the immigration reform back in July and August? I heard once that basically everything was tabled for a later time, is that true? It's so interesting (and sad) how much the way you grow up can affect one's future even in the "land of opportunity" that our country has been known as.
Sounds like you all have had a good week! This week the best thing that happened to me was that a lot of the investigators and less active members we have been teaching came to church. As I mentioned earlier, it can be so hard to convince people to go to church and we haven't had really any success in getting people to come to church the past two months or so, but God gave us a miracle yesterday! There were eight less active members there and four investigators. It was funny because usually before church we have to make the sacrament meeting program because no one has a calling to do that, so that's what we spend our Sunday mornings doing, but yesterday the program was already made so we knocked on a bunch of doors reminding people about church and basically none of those people came to church, yet the Lord still delivered! I was so happy. I also had an amazing personal experience while studying the last half of Alma 26 regarding the principles of missionary work. It is awesome to read those chapters of the missionary work among the Lamanites and to be working among the Lamanites in the modern days !

Last comment about teaching the Lamanites. When I read the Book of Mormon and I read of the "incorrectness of the traditions of their fathers" it has such a more real meaning to me and being on the reservation really makes the things I read about the Lamanites and traditions pop out. I'm sure I can talk to you guys tons about this when I get home. 

I love you all and hope that your week is great,

Elder Schaelling

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 14

Sounds like Aimee did a great job! I hope Elder Romney does great in the mission field, regardless of where he ends up at first!
The Priesthood Session was fantastic. Yes, to the best of my knowledge Bishop Causse is French. He spoke at a fireside that was broadcast to the U of U Institute that I went to about a year ago I think. I did love his Les Miserables quote as well, and that must have at least been the 3rd or 4th time Les Mis has been quoted in conference I think. Does that make it part of the Standard Works now?
I hope Dad's vertigo goes away for a while now! I guess all you can do is just manage it as best as he can. I'm praying for all of you and your health!
Good luck to Skot and the Carlings as they make some changes in their lives (although I doubt the Carlings will have too many changes, just maybe a new ward or stake).
Have a great time in OKC for me! You'll be in the land of the Plains Indians. I doubt you'll see any Navajo stuff out there. Tell everyone hi for me! I didn't know that Natalie hadn't gotten her wisdom teeth out yet, she seems pretty late to the game to be getting them out considereing I got mine taken care of in 9th grade!
Keep up the less active work! It's the ward's responsibility to care for and nurture those within the area, especially the less active members as President Monson always talks about with rescuing.
Yes, I got the package and I believe all 5 postcards! The most recent one was the JFK Library postcard. I can't wait to make it there one of these days! Thank you for everything.
We had a great week, we found 10 new investigators and had a lesson with a family yesterday who is amazing. They are total golden investigators and I already love them so much. We asked them to be baptized in the first lesson and they totally accepted before we could even finish the question! We'll be meeting with them again next Sunday.
Love and Regards,
Elder Schaelling

October 7

Matt is answering the following questions that I asked:

1)  How was your Conference Weekend?

2)  How was the Shiprock Fair from what you could tell?  I hope it didn't conflict too much with you, the members and your investigators.

3)  You said that you have a washing machine in your trailer, so are you in your new trailer in Shiprock or are the missionaries in Kirtland in a trailer?  Are there any apartments in Shiprock and Kirtland?

4)  How do you pronounce the Navajo word for white people?


1) Conference was amazing. President Uchtdorf's talks always leave me ringing with hope and spiritual healing, but I also really enjoyed Elder Dyches' talk that focused on Jesus Christ and the painting by Carl Bloch, Elder Bednar is one of my favorite speakers in the way he organizes his talks so I really enjoyed his, but I don't pay tithing as a missionary since I don't earn any money, I liked Elder Ballard's talk since it was all about missionary work, and every talk was great I can't even decide.
2) We only went to it for like an hour and a half on Friday night, but it was pretty crazy! Traffic on Saturday was terrible, but we just stayed holed up in the church all day and we got to the church taking a bunch of back dirt roads which was not a problem at all. Driving on dirt roads is super relaxing and fun, in all honesty! I'll need to come down after my mission to experience the Shiprock Fair.
3) We are still living in Kirtland for now, but we will hopefully be moving back to Shiprock within the next week or two! The Kirtland place is a trailer. There are some apartments in Shiprock but you have to be Navajo or work for the tribe/government to live in them and I'm not sure if there are apartments in Kirtland. I haven't noticed any! Pretty much everything out here is either trailers or houses.
4) Bil-li-ghaa-na, if you google the Navajo alphabet it should have sounds for each of the letters and vowels pretty much. Navajo is pretty straight forward to read after you figure out what sound all of the vowels make and it's actually easier than English. An "a" in English can have four different sounds, in Navajo it is just one. Keep a list of any Navajo words you want me to say and I'll say them on Skype/phone on Christmas!
I grabbed the sheet music for I Am A Child of God in Navajo and I hope I can perform it alright in two years! The colors haven't changed too much down here, but it sure is starting to get cold at night! It is freezing every morning and warms up quite a bit in the afternoon. Monsoon season is now over, so no more rain over the past week. 
No flu shots yet, I'm not sure what the usual procedure is. I've been doing pretty well! A little bit of allergies here and there and some stuffy noses, but nothing I can't handle.
Conference really was so great, this is probably the first time I have intently watched every talk and genuinely enjoyed and each one! The sad part about that is that I know that is my own fault, not the fault of the speakers. I wish more people watched and appreciated General Conference! It is such a fantastic opportunity to received revelation.
I love you all too!
Regards and love,
Elder Schaelling

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 1

I asked him the following questions in my letter and he was very kind to answer them:

1) Will you watch General Conference at the church or members' homes?

2) Do you do your laundry at a laundromat?

3) Are there any trees in Shiprock to see the leaves change to fall colors?

4) Where do all of the visitors stay that come for the Shiprock Fair?

5) Where do all of the visitors come from that come for the Shiprock Fair?

6) Is the Shiprock Fair celebrating anything in particular or is it like a county fair or just a regular general celebration?

Good to hear you made it home safely! Sounds like you had a fantastic time on the cruise, I'm jealous of you guys! However, I know one day it will be my turn to go on adventures while the kids are at home.
The Monticello temple was great, but it was REALLY small! The church next door is bigger than it, haha.
1) We will watch general conference at the church. It seems like Saturday we are going to be holed up in the church literally all day. We will get there at about 7 AM and then probably leave after we are done cleaning up after priesthood session at 8:30 or 9. We can't really leave between sessions because the town will be jam packed for the parade and the Shiprock Fair. Like I said before, there will be over 100,000 people in this small town of probably 7000 or 8000.
2) We have laundry machines at our trailer.
3) There are some trees along the north side of the river mostly. There are more trees in Kirtland too. I haven't seen too many color changes yet!
4) No idea, I suppose I'll find out! Probably stay with family or sleep in their car or outside. There isn't a motel or anything in Shiprock or even in Kirtland I don't think. Maybe some of them stay in Farmington and drive over.
5) All over the Navajo Nation mostly I think. I don't think too many biliigaanas (white people) come in for the fair, but I'm not sure yet. I'll find out this weekend!
6) The Shiprock Fair is just a fair pretty much, but it is in conjunction with a 9 day long traditional ceremony that marks the changing of the seasons. We aren't allowed to go to any traditional ceremonies, so I won't be seeing any of that.
Yes, we had our primary program probably four weeks ago or so! It was fantastic, our primary is actually surprisingly strong and large! It was an awesome program. The kids also sang I Am a Child of God in Navajo!
I've been reading the Ensign more recently, it is such a fantastic magazine! I really loved Elder Holland's article in the September Ensign as well along with the article on grace. I'll have to take another look at the article on hope, I kind of grazed over that one!
I am very very excited for my first conference as a missionary. Good to hear you guys are keeping up at member missionary work! It makes all the difference in the world.
Once I send home my SD card you guys should be able to see some interesting stuff! We found an abandoned hooghan (Navajo house) out in the middle of nowhere on the south east side of town. I can't wait to take you all on a mission tour once I get home.
Good luck with life and tell Aimee good job on school! I love you all a lot and hope you all have a good conference!

Elder Schaelling