Monday, April 21, 2014

April 15


 1) What is the weather like there now?
 2) How are Elder & Sister Harris doing?
 3) Did you get a package from me today?  I mailed three last week.  One on
 Wednesday (copies of the Illustrated Book of Mormon), one on Thursday (an Easter package for you) and one on Friday (an Easter package for you and Elder Aguilera).
 4) Are you still doing your exercise program that you began with your previous companion?



Iris and Esther's mother has been sick the past week and so we havne't
been able to see them and they weren't able to make it to church so
we'll have to reschedule the baptism, so I hope that we will be able
to still help them progress. However, we were able to set up another
baptismal date with an investigator named Bill for June 7th! His is so
far away because he and his significant other need to get married
before he can be baptized and there is some paperwork that might take
a month or two, but he is such a cool guy. Both him and Flora know
alot about public policy so I always have a good time talking to them
abuot that kind of stuff.

That's awesome about the NAPI flour you bought! Haha, there were a lot
of people in Shiprock who worked at NAPI because it is only about
30-45 minutes away from there. They have been selling the Navajo Star
Wars at the Walmart in Gallup, I might have to buy one so that I can
watch it after my mission!

1) The weather has been pretty good the past few weeks with the
exception of yesterday and Sunday, it was kind of cold and it rained a
little on Sunday. We are out of suit season now so I am wearing short
sleeves again and it feels so very nice.
2) I think they are doing pretty well. We don't see or talk to them
nearly as much as we did the Pattersons. They seem to be keeping
pretty busy helping people with their gardens.
3) I have all three of your packages as of now, thank you very much!
The Book of Mormon Stories books are so awesome and we've been able to
go over them with a bunch of people so far. We should have enough
copies for a while though.
4) When I got with Elder Aguilera I was sick the first week with him
so I would sleep in until 6:30 (we usually would wake up at 5:30 or
5:45 when we were exercising) and then we got lazy and didn't do it
anymore. But, we just started again this week and we did it yesterday
morning and this morning.

I love you all! Thank you so much for everything, it's always awesome
to hear from you all. Have an awesome week!!!

Elder Schaelling

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