Friday, May 15, 2015

May 11

It was great to be able to Skype with you all and to have the whole family in the mix! It is pretty amazing how well it can work to Skype and everything.
I can't remember if I said, but we had the appointment with Bud and Alicea with Bud's brother Clayton and his wife, Tannis, at Clayton and Tannis's home and it was really nice! We had dinner and then taught about the Restoration and Alicea had a lot of questions! She doesn't have much of a background in religion at all, she grew up with general belief in God but never learned much of anything about Christ because she never went to church and whatnot. She's pretty awesome though, she and Bud came to church again yesterday! We are waiting for their wedding for their baptism so it probably wont be until July, and similar deal with Albert and Vanessa since they need to get married. Missionary work would be a lot easier if people just got married haha. And I already told you guys about Jacinta yesterday on Skype.
That's so cool that you gave out that book to everyone! And that's great that Aimee is doing well with the piano. And it's okay that it didn't work out with us older kids, at least we can have learned the lesson and remember that for our kids to learn an instrument that we need to set them up with someone outside of the home.
Congrats to Nate and Natalie on the wedding anniversary! Same to Jackie with her birthday, that peanut butter and chocolate ice cream sounds really good.
Teaching is a difficult thing to do, but as you learn how to teach well it really makes a big difference within the church and I would imagine within the family. The most difficult and most important thing to do as a teacher is to engage the learner, just as the new Come Follow Me curriculum for the youth has done. That's what I hope I will be able to learn even more about as I hopefully work at the MTC, how to put the students in the driver seat as seek learning by study and also by faith.
I love you all! Have a wonderful week!
Elder Schaelling 

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