Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 6

Yes, as always, conference was AMAZING. I definitely felt like one of the main themes this conference was marriage, family, and the home being centered on the gospel. Last go around one of the main themes (especially of the Sunday Morning Session) was follow the prophet. It's so cool to see how even though people aren't assigned topics directly, their talks always go along with each other in such great unity! I'm sure they discuss things that are on their mind together and are aware of the things others will be talking about, but it's still awesome to see how it all comes together. I too was pretty surprised and a little let down that we only got to hear from President Monson twice! Also that he spoke at the beginning of the Sunday Morning session rather than the end was peculiar. When he began the session I wasn't sure if I should be listening to his talk for announcements or listening for a talk so I just put it on my flashdrive so we can listen to it again on our drive to Farmington today. Of the talks that stuck out to me most, one that I really loved and felt like I and everyone else needed in the world was Elder Anderson's talk on God's Hand being in our life. I had recently read that scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants that he quoted, " And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath   kindled save those who confess not his hand in all things, andobey not his commandments" (59:21) because I am going through D&C right now. It is so important to see and search for God's Hand in our life and to believe that it is there. That is a lesson I learned at the beginning of the mission and it is never bad to have a reminder of it. It was cool to just see him talk about the miracles in the preparations for the newly announced temples to be built and everything! I too liked Elder Renlund's talk and when he used the example of the missionary and his companion: "You know, the two of you don't look all that different compared to me." Hahaha, isn't that so true. Elder Oaks, Elder Bednar, and President Uchtdorf are always the ones I look forward to the most and same here, they didn't disappoint. President Uchtdorf has mastered learning how to rebuke the saints in the most kind of ways and his talks are always so personable. I just always feel like he really understands and can empathize with how your "average Mormon" feels and the struggles they face as they try their best to choose the right. We ate Easter dinner with the Hine family, he is in the stake presidency and she is the stake young women president and they are super cool. This next weekend is actually stake conference for us! In regards to President Monson, I had the same thoughts last fall as well. He looked pretty worn out during the Priesthood session but with much more vigor Sunday morning. I've thought of the meaning of that in regards to the difference of audiences. When President Monson is speaking to the Priesthood, he is talking to wearied Priesthood holders throughout the world and is showing that he too carries the burden and feels tired or worn out at times, nevertheless he presses on diligently serving the Lord. However, when he speaks during the Sunday Morning session, he is addressing the world and stands in majesty and power as the one and only living prophet of God! 
Unfortunately, Thomas did not join us. But another investigator, Vanessa, came with three of her kids and her niece! Her husband, Albert, was working so he couldn't join us. They are on baptismal date also for May 16th, so we'll keep working with them! They are pretty awesome. 
Elder Hozman is getting transferred to Redmesa, Colorado, and I will be training a new missionary straight from the MTC so we are going to Farmington today.
That's awesome that you saw Austin! I'll have to check out all that stuff when I go home. 
I love you all and am so grateful for the leaders of the church! They are wonderful people and I do know from the bottom of my heart that they are the chosen servants of the Lord and that their words " are true and faithful and theprophecies and promises which are in them shall all be fulfilled" and that 
"whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants it is the same ." (D&C 1:37-38)
Elder Schaelling

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