Thursday, April 2, 2015

March 23

It's not looking too much like spring yet, and I'm not sure what to expect here! In Steamboat spring was pretty spectacular with the desert flowers, cacti, and weeds blossoming with all sorts of colors, from reds and yellows to blues and purples. But in Grants there is less vegetation because we are in a city in the desert.
I didn't buy a blender. If there's one on Amazon for not too much you can send it here and if I like it I'll take it home, otherwise I'll leave it here at the end of my mission. Yeah, really all I will probably use it for regularly is to make fruit smoothies and whatnot.
Albert is doing pretty well, haven't had any contact with Bridgette and Daniel. We were able to meet with John on Wednesday and gave him a priesthood blessing and he talked about how that was one of the strongest times he has ever felt the Spirit and how he could feel it throughout his whole body! It made me think of the verse in D&C 84:20 "Therefore, in the ordinances [of the Priesthood], the power of godliness is manifest." John's a great guy and we have Stake Conference the week after General Conference so his baptism will probably wait until all that is taken care of so we're looking at April 18th.
I got an email from BYU saying that I can start registering for classes this Thursday, so hopefully I'll sign up for some classes next Monday.
That's too bad that the home didn't work out for Natalie and Nate! Hopefully they'll have a home of their own to take the newborn to. That's what I've been telling people that ask about my family when I mention that I have three nephews and a niece, that I have another one on the way and we're seeing who comes first -- me or the baby!
Well. It sounds like Asher will probably take a while to warm up to me haha. However, I am up for the challenge! Hopefully at least by the time I get home he's totally cool with you and the family so that way I'm not just another scary stranger or something.
I'm glad Aimee is enjoying choir!
Park City sounds great! I have been thinking that I hope to be able to take more advantage of all the wonders of the state of Utah more after I return home now that I've turned a little more country and a little less city from my mission, so I'll be excited to explore some of the cool stuff Park City area has to offer! Sounds good. If it's just me, you, dad, and Aimee I might think about going back to the mission or maybe something else. I'm not sure. I want to make it back to the mission relatively soon (probably by the end of the year) but I might just end up doing that on a long weekend or fall break or something and just take a road trip down here since it's not very far.
I love you all! This past week we had interviews with President Batt and he asked us to come prepared with our favorite scripture. I have too many that I love to pick one, but one that has been on my mind regularly over the past 7 or 8 months has been D&C 25:10 - " And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world , and seek for the things of a better ." It's just such a powerful scripture to me. I do know that as we come to lay aside worldly distractions and seek for the things of God and of the Spirit, we can find ultimate happiness. That is the thing that I am most grateful for regarding my mission experience, is that it helped me "purge the world" out of my soul, you might say. I hope I can continue to "live in the spirit" after I get home, as Paul discusses in Galatians 5:25. Another cool insight I had this week as I was studying the Doctrine of Christ in 2 Nephi 31, I noticed how Nephi describes enduring to the end in verse 20 -

" Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope , and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end,behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life ."
Really it's just faith, hope, and charity plus studying the words of the Prophets, both modern and ancient. Pretty awesome to see how the prophets teach the same principles everywhere! Paul taught faith, hope, and charity in 1 Corinthians 13. Mormon teaches it in Moroni 7.
Keep enduring to the end!
Elder Schaelling

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